• Papi Churro - El Clasico

It all started in 2020 when producer The Breed and guitarist Richard Holzmann decided to start their own project called PAPI CHURRO. The two german musicians came up with a unique combination of latin-folk and HipHop Sounds. Almost like a Lo-Fi Beat version of guys like João Gilberto or Carlos Jobim. But also the typical Mexican sounds of Druglord Movies like „Narcos“ are part of their soundcollage. In very short time PAPI CHURRO gained a fanbase and millions of streams on the net. Since all the instruments are played live the songs are not your average Samplebeat but come with some more complex arrangements. But still producer The Breed clearly references those „Chops and Breaks Roots“ on the songs.


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Papi Churro - El Clasico

  • Hersteller We Run This
  • Kategorien  Latin 
  • Artikelnr. 4018939457396
  • Verfügbarkeit Lagernd
  • 29,00 CHF

  • Netto 26,93 CHF