• Mark Knopfler - The Boy

The Boy EP by Mark Knopfler is a collection of thematically linked songs which came together during the process of writing his forthcoming album, One Deep River. Inspired by the annual traveling funfair Knopfler was enchanted by as a child in Newcastle, he used to visit every time they came to town: ‘These are things that figured big in my childhood. I just found it fascinating. I remember that there used to be boxing booths all over the country, we had hundreds of them actually, believe it or not.’


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Mark Knopfler - The Boy

  • Hersteller EMI Music
  • Kategorien  Rock 
  • Artikelnr. 602458534214
  • Verfügbarkeit Lagernd
  • 29,00 CHF

  • Netto 26,93 CHF

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